Shells Top Image.jpg


I'm testing out tuning of the new small (concert) tom drum heads. In the past I setup the 4 small toms on stands to go from a very high pitch down to the lower toms but with these new Remo Pinstripe drum heads I thought I'd go with a different sound. I left the pitch lower and let them ring longer. Now it's like having 2 drumsets in one.

Just for fun I thought I'd try a multicam edit with a special effect on one of the angles. This was shot with a CanonHFM500 camcorder, Nikon D3200 DSLR, and a Nikon Coolpix 9300 (overhead). All audio was recorded using 2 sets of CAD Pro 7 mics into a Tascam US-1800 USB sound interface attached to my MacBook Pro running Logic Pro. Noise gates, compression, and the like were setup as if this would be a final audio recording.
