Week 5


Goal: Practice Building Web Pages using HTML, version control and re-grade requests, & evaluate Miami's website

On Your Own 5

Recipe.htm (due 03-17-2016 by 5pm)

Create a simple HTML page that's a recipe. It needs to have a headline (h1), a subhead (h2), an introduction paragraph or two (p), a list of ingredients (ul) and a list of steps (ol). Save it to https://www.users.miamioh.edu/UniqueID/IMS222/Recipe.htm.

CSS: Intro (watch this video)

Now it's time to start implementing my mockup. Here's a lecture that walks you through that process. Follow along with this zip file if you like.

Implementing the mockup (watch this video)
CSS: Using float and clear (watch this video)
CSS: Top Tabs, some trouble-shooting tricks and shadows (watch this video)
CSS: Images (watch this video)
CSS: Trouble-shooting and rescaling images (watch this video)
CSS: Styling Images (watch this video)
CSS: Transitions and Cleanup (watch this video)
CSS: Background Images (watch this video)