Course Description

IMS 222 Web and Interaction Design (3)

This course is an opportunity to investigate interactive design as it relates to a variety media types. Using industry standard tools, you will learn to design, implement and refine interactive media for specific audiences. For the purpose of this class, interactive media includes websites, menu systems, and the variety of software and hardware solutions that intersect the domain of human-computer interaction.

Effective interactive design is often achieved by the creative application of sometimes disparate disciplines. Students should expect to incorporate their understanding of art theory, psychology, commercial business practice and creative problem solving.


Keep discussions and examples 'PG'.

Disrespect will not be tolerated. Treat each other well.

Learning is fun, even when it’s hard. So is helping others.

Be engaged in the class and online discussions.

Do prep work and assignments.

Instructor will look for students falling behind, but it is the student’s responsibility to seek out help if they begin to slip.

Virtual office hours will be held regularly. If you need help, or would like 1:1 feedback, it is highly recommended that you attend them.

Enjoy your work.


You should have a computer or access to a computer (a laptop is recommended to participate during class) with network capabilities

Be ready to install a color-coding text editor if you don't have one; suggestions...
Mac: I use TextWrangler (free in the Mac App store)
Win: I have used Ultra-Edit ($80)
Win: Notepad++ (free) is popular

Be ready to install a photo editor if you don't have one; suggestions...
Mac: I use Pixelmator ($30 in the Mac App store)
Mac/Win: Picasa

Digital camera or smartphone for your original pictures

Course Evaluations

At the end of the course you will be asked a series of questions to evaluate me (Kirk). I will strive to ensure that you learn cool stuff in this course (at least I think it's cool). I hope that you are able to grade me with high marks. We're all learning and I have found that one of the best ways to learn is to get feedback as you go. With this in mind, read the questions that you will evaluate me on, and as we go through the course let me know if I'm missing the mark anywhere. I'm more concerned about you learning than I am with getting a bad evaluation; I would prefer to address your concerns during the class instead of finding out after the fact so that you are able to learn more effectively.
