
Assignments/Participation Overview

AssignmentDue on% of Final Grade
Assignment - Setup your UDS and download a text editor02-03-2016 by 4pm5%
Assignment - ResearchForTheRecipeSite.htm02-18-2016 by 5pm5%
Assignment - Persona.htm02-25-2016 by 5pm10%
Assignment - Recipe.htm03-17-2016 by 5pm10%
Assignment - FixThisSite.htm04-07-2016 by 5pm10%
Assignment - FinalProject/index.htm05-05-2016 by 5pm25%
  • Participation - LearningHTML.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
    • due by 02-18-2016 by 5pm
  • Participation - AnotherPage.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
    • due by 03-03-2016 by 5pm
  • Participation - ResponsivePage.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
    • due by 03-10-2016 by 5pm
  • Participation - In Class
    • 3% of Final Grade
More Participation26%
  • Participation - WebPage02.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage03.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage04.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage05.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage06.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage07.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage08.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage10.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage11.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage12.htm
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage13.php
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage14.php
    • 2% of Final Grade
  • Participation - WebPage15.php
    • 2% of Final Grade

Grade Overview

Grading Policy

Assignments and participation not completed by the due date and time will receive a 0 with no opportunity for improvement (for that grade), so turn it in on time if you don't want a 0. A big part of your grade is simply based on showing up to class, participating, and doing your work on time.

If you're not happy with your grade on an assignment, you can re-do the assignment. To re-do it, rename your original assignment to V1, then upload your revision in it's place, and shoot me an email to review your revision.

Work flow for a re-grading example:

This will allow you to keep your original version and give you a manual way to do versioning.

Your grade will not go down if you requested a re-grade. If you got a 0, that means the assignment was not where it was supposed to be (or it was named incorrectly). If you got a very low grade because you barely had anything to grade, don't expect to get an A on a re-grade request. Saying you were sick and didn't get it done on time is not a good excuse. The due dates for all of the assignments are plainly visible. You can request to have your work regraded one time up to 1 week after the due date. Your grade can only go up 2 letter grades.

Are you wondering why you got the grade that you got? Review your work and compare it to the scoring list below. Still not sure? Ask some of your peers what they think. Being a webmaster (that's what you are) means being able to use the critical eye that we used in our first class to review your own site. I want you to be proud of your work. All of your work in this class can be used in the final project so making it all top-notch is highly recommended.

Please note that the point totals are a general basis used to objectively grade your work. If there are major problems with one area, like if your work has a ton of typo's or not much content when there should be a bunch of content, more than the point amount shown may be taken off. I attempted to make scoring as objective as possible.

I reserve the right to reduce the total points awarded for assignments completed under special circumstances at my discretion (i.e. you give me a really great reason why you aren't going to have your work ready on time, and we'll work together to figure out how to handle it). As you may have gathered, I really want you to have work that you're proud to show to others; part of life is getting things done on time. Time management is a skill that can be used throughout your life, learn it sooner than later.


On web sites it's pretty common to "steal code". In this class, I don't mind if you start from someone else's design, but you need to make it your own. That means you need to create/use your own graphics, color schemes, and content. By being able to start with something and tweak it, that tells me that you understand how to build web pages (which is a big part of the goal of this class). Simply using someone else's design, however, is not acceptable. You must "make it your own".

Assignment Grading Rubric

Assignment - Setup your UDS and download a text editor

Due 02-03-2016 by 4pm

Assignment - ResearchForTheRecipeSite.htm

Due 02-18-2016 by 5pm

Assignment - Persona.htm

Due 02-25-2016 by 5pm

Assignment - Recipe.htm

Due 03-17-2016 by 5pm

Assignment - FixThisSite.htm

Due 04-07-2016 by 5pm

Assignment - FinalProject/index.htm

Due 05-05-2016 by 5pm
