Pre-class assignment

  1. Complete this form (to identify a good web page design and a bad web page design, be ready to discuss what you liked/didn't like about them)

Week 1


Goal: Welcome and learn what makes a website "good"

On Your Own 1

Techie stuff to do your work for this class

All assignments and projects for this week need to be submitted by putting the files in your Universal Disk Space (UDS) on a Miami server. To do that you will need to configure your web space (did you know that you have web space?). You can use NetDisk to set it up. Once you have your space setup, I will walk you through how to upload files. It's very important that you get this done before our next class. I want to use our week's class time to discuss other things. As an alternative to FTPing your files to the server, I will also show you (later on the page) how to mount your universal (i.e. web) disk space just like another folder on your computer for easier access.

I am using a Mac; if you're using Windows, go ahead and watch the videos to get an idea of the goals. There are several different flavors of Windows, each with their own nuances. You can always refer to IT Help for details on doing things in Windows.

Using your Universal Disk Space (UDS/Netdisk/M-drive) (watch this video)

If you're off campus and you want to work with your Universal Disk Space (UDS) you will need to use a VPN client. You do not need to do this from on campus. You only need to watch this next video (and setup a VPN client) if you plan to work from off campus.

VPN for Off Campus Connections (watch this video)

As an alternative to the FTP option shown earlier, (on a Mac) click on the desktop (to bring Finder to the foreground)...Go...Connect to Server, then enter smb:// where U is the first letter of your last name, and then your UniqueID. Mine is: smb:// Now you can use Finder to open and edit your web pages. Also note that while using still works, the university prefers that you use now. Here's a tutorial on how do this for those of you who are more of a visual learner.

Mounting UDS on your Mac (watch this video)

Setup your UDS and download a text editor (due 02-03-2016 by 4pm)

Text Editors

At our next class we will dive in and actually make something. For this, you'll need a text editor. Here are some that you might want to check out:

All in all, what you want in this software is something that works for you and colors the code so you know if you're running astray. If any of you have done some of this stuff and want to share your favorite software with the class.<\p>

NOTE: DO NOT USE DREAMWEAVER. You'll notice I made that all in caps and in bold. If I could make it blink and in red, I would. Never, ever, ever, ever use Dreamweaver until you know what you're doing; and by then you won't want to use it. It's garbage software that mucks up the code and will cause loads of problems for you later. Sure, you can probably use it and I won't notice, but trust me, it's nothing but trouble.
