Assignments/Participation Overview
Assignment | Due on | % of Final Grade |
Research for the Recipe Site | Class 2 on 10-30-2014 | 10% |
img/Persona.jpg | Class 3 on 11-06-2014 | 10% |
Recipe.htm | Class 4 on 11-13-2014 | 10% |
FixThisSite.htm | Class 7 on 12-04-2014 | 10% |
FinalProject/index.htm | 12-12-2014 | 50% |
Participation | | 10% |
- LearningHTML.htm 2%
- AnotherPage.htm 2%
- ResponsivePage.htm 2%
- In Class 4%
Grade Overview
- A Superior execution; maximum originality; highly imaginative, original, and experimental; fantastic level of craft and attention to detail.
- B Strong execution and originality; imaginative and experimental; consistent in work ethic; above average level of craft and attention to detail.
- C Average execution; some imagination and originality; lacks some consistency in level of craft and attention to detail.
- D Poor execution; limited originality; poor level of craft and attention to detail.
- F Fails to execute to minimum standards
Grading Policy
If you're not happy with your grade on an assignment, you can re-do the assignment. To re-do it, rename your original assignment to V1 (examples: PersonaV1.jpg or RecipeV2.htm), then upload your revision in it's place, and shoot me an email to review your revision. Your grade will not go down if you re-do an assignment. If you got a 0, that means the assignment was not where it was supposed to be (or it was named incorrectly). You can re-submit your work up to 3 times (per assignment).
Are you wondering why you got the grade that you got? Review your work and compare it to the scoring list below. Still not sure? Ask some of your peers what they think. Being a webmaster (that's what you are) means being able to use the critical eye that we used in our first class to review your own site. I want you to be proud of your work. All of your work in this class can be used in the final project so making it all top-notch is highly recommended.
Please note that the point totals are a general basis used to objectively grade your work. If there are major problems with one area (i.e. if your work has a ton of typo's), more than the point amount shown may be taken off. I attempted to make scoring as objective as possible.
I reserve the right to reduce the total points awarded for assignments completed late at my discretion. As you may have gathered, I really want you to have work that you're proud to show to others; part of life is getting things done on time. Time management is a skill that can be used throughout your life, learn it sooner than later.
Grading Criteria
Research for the Recipe Site/img/Persona.jpg
- Completed Assignment: 10
- Conceptual - demonstrated understanding of the concept
- Person: 2
- Problem: 2
- Goals: 2
- Special Considerations (optional)
- Aesthetic
- image size & readability: 2
- Technical
- Participation - does the page exist: 2
- Completed Assignment: 2
- Conceptual - demonstrated understanding of the concept
- Headline (h1): 1
- Subhead (h2): 1
- Paragraph (p): 1
- List of ingredients (ul): 1
- List of steps (ol): 1
- Aesthetic
- Technical
- Participation - does the page exist: 2
- Participation - does the page exist: 2
- Completed Assignment: 2
- Conceptual - demonstrated understanding of the concept
- Identified problems with the site (you may want to use Tog's First Principles): 2
- Sample page fixing the identified problems (recommend calling it FixedSite.htm): 2
- Aesthetic
- Technical
- Completed Assignment: 10
- Conceptual - demonstrated understanding of the concept
- Multiple pages that tell your story: 10
- Aesthetic
- Visual appeal/site flow: 10
- Responsive design: 10
- Technical
In Class
- Participation - was there participation during class: 4