Course Description
IMS 222 Web and Interaction Design (3)
This course is an opportunity to investigate interactive design as it relates to a variety media types. Using industry standard tools, you will learn to design, implement and refine interactive media for specific audiences. For the purpose of this class, interactive media includes websites, menu systems, and the variety of software and hardware solutions that intersect the domain of human-computer interaction.
Effective interactive design is often achieved by the creative application of sometimes disparate disciplines. Students should expect to incorporate their understanding of art theory, psychology, commercial business practice and creative problem solving.
Market Yourself
By the end of the course you will have a website (that you created) to market yourself for future internships and jobs.
Class 6 11-27-2014 Thanksgiving Day (no class)
Assignment/Participation Viewer
img/Persona.jpg (due by Class 3 on 11-06-2014)
Recipe.htm (due by Class 4 on 11-13-2014)
FixThisSite.htm (due by Class 7 on 12-04-2014)
- Optional textbook: HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
- CSS reference
- HTML reference
- use a search engine (like Google) to find new tags
- Domain Name Registrar: ($12.99 per year)
- Web Server: ($3.95 per month)
- Responsive Design Samples/Test Pages
- Google Chrome extensions for reviewing pages
- remove css - "disable HTML"
- check links - "Check My Links"
- check links - "PageSpeed Insights (by Google)"
- page outline - "HTML5 Outliner (by Google)"
- HTML 5 page outliner
- Getting to your web space
- Once your web space is setup using NetDisk (login to myMiami to get to NetDisk), you can access it via your OS
- Click on the desktop (to bring Finder to the foreground)...Go...Connect to Server
- Then enter smb:// where U is the first letter of your last name, then your UniqueID
- Mine is: smb://
- Download a tool called Map Network Drives from the Miami Utilities section of
- Save...Save As...(choose your Desktop)...Save
- Double-click your new MapDrives icon on your desktop & enter your UniqueID and password
- wait (about 3 minutes or so)
- Use "Windows Explorer" or "File Explorer" to get to the M drive, your web files will be in Public.WWW
- If you are off campus, you'll need the Cisco AnyConnect VPN program which can be downloaded from before you can use the MapDrives tool