Course Overview

This is an online course. The material was initially developed by Artie Kuhn and has been modified for this spring (2015) by me, Kirk Hopkins. The course is subject to change as we go. This is a learning process for all of us. This is the first time I have taught a course online so there will be a bit of a learning curve for me while I figure out what works and what doesn't. We should be able to take advantage of having a small class with more individualized attention than we may have seen otherwise. I plan to use a mixture of email, Google Hangouts, and this course website for communication with each of you.

About Kirk

We'll get started by watching some videos that walk you through what this class is all about. There will be a brief "everything you need to know about HTML and CSS to do this class" video that should be a refresher for everyone. Then, we'll look at how HTML forms work and you'll do a reading. This week, you'll read two articles, one classic, one contemporary and respond to both in one discussion. You'll also do a simple HTML exercise that proves you can handle HTML and forms.



This course covers both the conceptual underpinnings and contemporary technical implementation of advanced web design. Technology covered include advanced HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript as well as cursory overview of server-side development using PHP and MySQL as well as technology used for rapid development for mobile devices.

Learning Goals



You are expected to have done the activities before the start of class (or in our case by Wednesday). You are expected to be familiar with Niihka (we will use it primarily for grades) and are responsible for dealing with any technical problems you run into.



  • Engagement/Assignments 25%


    This is an overview of my grading standards.

    Course Evaluations

    At the end of the course you will be asked a series of questions to evaluate me (Kirk). I will strive to ensure that you learn cool stuff in this course (at least I think it's cool). I hope that you are able to grade me with high marks. We're all learning and I have found that one of the best ways to learn is to get feedback as you go. With this in mind, read the questions that you will evaluate me on, and as we go through the course let me know if I'm missing the mark anywhere. I'm more concerned about you learning than I am with getting a bad evaluation; I would prefer to address your concerns during the class instead of finding out after the fact so that you are able to learn more effectively.


    Schedule (subject to change)

    Week ofTopicWhat's assigned
    Week 01
    What you should already know
    HTML Forms
    Design as a Liberal Art
    • email me a screenshot of an HTML form (show me the HTML) as discussed in the video - due 02-04-2015
    Week 02
    Interaction Design - What's the Problem
    Web Servers
    • Download/install xAMP
    • PHP exercise
    • email me a screenshot of a simple PHP page showing that you got it working as outlined in the videos - due 02-11-2015
    Week 03
    Project One introduced
    • Start your Project One Research, Personas and the Big Idea
    • email me a screenshot of phpMyAdmin browsing a table and a browser displaying the contents of the table showing that you got it working as outlined in the videos - due 02-18-2015
    Week 04
    Tog’s Laws
    Wireframes and Mockups
    PHP & MySQL and CRUD
    • Work on Project One revisions
    • email me a screenshot of PHP Forms and MySQL CRUD showing that you got it working as outlined in the videos - due 02-25-2015
    Week 05
    HTML and CSS
    Week 06
    Reality Distortion & Progressive Disclosure
    Project Two introduced
    Exporting tables
    • Project One (due 03-04-2015) - schedule a time with Kirk to demo your Project One (either in a Google Hangout or in person)
    • Begin Project Two - Initial Concept/The Big Idea and wireframes
    Week 07
    Mockups and Mobile
    Week 08
    • Work on Project Two - HTML, CSS and begin using an API - Try the "Hello World" API Exercise
    Week 09
    Spring Break
    • Spring Break - no assignment
    Week 10
    Project Two work week with 1:1 progress check
    • Project Two - Build static HTML + CSS then connect static HTML to APIs
    Week 11
    Project Two work week with 1:1 progress check
    Week 12
    • Project Two (due 04-15-2015) - schedule a time with Kirk to demo your Project Two (either in a Google Hangout or in person)
    Week 13
    Project Three introduced
    Design Thinking & Mobile
    DeviceOrientation API
    Week 14
    Project Three work week with 1:1 progress check
    Week 15
    Project Three (due 05-06-2015)

    Expectations & Rules

    Online Expectations

    Expect to spend three hours in addition to normal time working on homework per week for this class. This time will be a mixture of lectures recorded, posted, podcasts, videos, readings and the like. You are expected to view/read/listen to all of the assets posted. You will use this information for your projects.

    Each "week" will begin on a Wednesday and run until a Tuesday. Projects/assignments are due on Tuesdays by 11:59pm.

    Social Media

    Regarding "friending" current students on Facebook, I’ve decided that it’s probably best to wait until graduation. At that time I would love to keep in touch with you through email and social media.

    Computer Failures

    No allowance is made for computer or network failures. Be sure to back up your work frequently, and do not wait until the last minute to complete the assignment. To back up a file, save it first to one computer drive such as your M drive (also called Universal Disk Space or UDS) or the hard drive of your home computer, and then save it again to a portable drive.

    If you have a Mac, use Time Machine!

    For offsite-backup, I highly recommend Dropbox (

    Need a backup gameplan? Here’s a great start:

    Academic Honesty

    Assignments must be entirely your own work, unless they are specifically group projects. Evidence of plagarism can lead to dismissal from the class with a grade of F. For full information regarding academic integrity, go to:

    Use of Lab/Studio Equipment

    All students should treat computer and studio equipment with respect and care, while following safety procedures set out by manufacturers and faculty. Unauthorized use of the lab is a violation of the student code of conduct.This includes equipment in any of the graphic design rooms (studio, computer lab or hand media room). Please review the technology chapter of the student handbook. Depending on the infraction, a student could be charged at the university level for a code of conduct or academic violation.

    Classroom Climate

    This course is designed to encourage active participation on the part of students. It is critical that classroom/online/email discussions (and the like) and critiques are conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for the ideas of others. We may use a variety of ways to engage in learning so please be open to trying (and even suggesting) new ways to work together. It is important to be mindful of differences – that is, we all come from a variety of experiences. All classroom discussion should be respectful of those differences so that our learning can be enhanced by all our contributions.

    As your instructor and as an individual I believe in a supportive climate that is conducive to learning and I will make every effort to create an environment which encourages interaction and mutual respect for differing ideas.

    Students who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in this class, are encouraged to inform me immediately.


    Contacting Me

    I check email ( constantly throughout the day. To ensure that I respond quickly, please include "IMS 422-522" in the beginning of your subject line in emails to me.

    Because communication is key in online courses, I will schedule regular one on one review sessions. Students will choose a time slot that works for them and we will discuss via Google Hangouts (or in person if that works better for us).

    We can try Google Hangouts if you encounter problems and would like help in real time.

    Contacting You

    Announcements for the class will be communicated through email. It is your responsibility to regularly check your email throughout the week.

    Office Hours

    My office is in Hoyt Hall (on Western) in 312p2

    My office hours (or by appointment): Wednesdays: 1:30pm-3:30pm

    Note, it’s in your best interest to schedule time with me during my office hours if you need help, they tend to fill up.

  • :-)