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Hopkins Family Cookbook Dedication

I would like to dedicate this cookbook to everyone in our family - both past and present. Thank you for sharing your recipes.

My original idea for this book was to collect some simple recipes that you could use when you move out and start cooking on your own. As I went along, I started including more and more family recipes. I talked to many family members about the history of these recipes and where they came from. It has been a very interesting journey!

As a result, you will find many different kinds of recipes in this book. Some you have eaten at home or at family gatherings. Others are recipes that your dad and I remember eating as kids. The recipes vary from extremely simple to complicated, old fashioned to modern, servings for one or a whole crowd. The one thing each recipe has in common is that it was shared with love.

My hope is that this book will not only serve as a reminder of your family history and where you come from, but will be something you can add to as our family grows into the future.

Love, Mom