
Mens Walk Prayer Vigil Signup

Showing all time slots, instead, show available time slots.

There are 144 of 144 (100%) total slots available.

Time slots are held for 10 minutes so someone else can't accidentally take your time slot if you're both selecting the same slot at the same time. The first one in wins.

Enter your email address for the email reminder if you want to receive emails for your signup. Email reminders are optional. Just leave it blank if you don't want a reminder. You will only get reminders for signups with the email address so if you sign up for more than one time slot and you want reminders for each one, put your email address in for each signup.

Prayer Vigil Signup emails will be sent from agape.seiemmaus@gmail.com. You may want to add that address as a contact so emails from this address don't end up in your junk or spam folder.

Use the "Add to Calendar" option if you like. "sign up" is separate from "Add to Calendar" so don't forget to hit the "sign up" button.

A "bot" came along and took every available time slot because we are not requiring a login. To attempt to stop this from happening again, people that have not participated in the prayer vigil need to enter their walk number. You don't have to be exact, just be close. People with previous signups no longer have to enter their walk number.

We also had a few people allow their web browser to "autofill" out the form and they took all remaining spots. To stop this the form has been changed to only allow 2 signups at a time.

Printable Prayer Vigil

Showing all time slots below

Thursday, 10-17-2024 8:30pm - 9:00pm
Ronee Ross remove signup
Thursday, 10-17-2024 9:00pm - 9:30pm
Dennis Ross remove signup