Cumulative Polls by Kirk Hopkins

Poll: CAGIS Academy Feedback

How are you today?

fine and dandy (50%)
Gr8! (50%)
What is 2+2?

4 (100%)
Do you like communicating feedback like this?

It's cool (50%)
Not sure yet (50%)
Do you want to use this "Tell Me" system to collect feedback today?

Sure (50%)
yes (50%)
Read Luke 1:1-38 and respond with your name and your thoughts

Jodie- very cool (33%)
Kirk - I like it (33%)
Pam- I like this better (33%)

Poll: Week 01

Are you looking forward to learning in this class?

yes (33%)
Yes (28%)
Yes :) (11%)
Yes! (11%)
absolutely (6%)
Kind of (6%)
yes :) (6%)
What did Kirk fall off of?

barn (28%)
barn roof (22%)
Barn roof (17%)
roof (17%)
A barn (6%)
barn roof lol (6%)
the roof of a barn (6%)
Are you expected to know HTML or CSS prior to this class?

no (47%)
No (12%)
nope (12%)
i hope not (6%)
nah (6%)
no thankfully (6%)
No thankfully (6%)
yes? (6%)
When are assignments due (day of the week and time)?

thursday 11:59 (22%)
Thursday 11:59 (17%)
thursday 11:59pm (11%)
Thursday 11:59pm (11%)
Thu 11:59 (6%)
thursday 11:59 :P (6%)
thursday 11:59 pm (6%)
Thursday 11:59 PM (6%)
Thursday at 11:59 PM (6%)
thursday by midnight (6%)
thursday night at 11:59 (6%)
What does URL stand for (hint: Uniform Resource Locator)?

Uniform Resource Locator (35%)
uniform resource locator (29%)
i think its Uniform Resource Locator (6%)
thursday 11:59 (6%)
Thursday 11:59 (6%)
Thursday at 11:59 PM (6%)
uniform resor (6%)
Universal Resource Locator (6%)
What does DNS stand for (hint: Domain Name System)?

Domain Name System (50%)
domain name system (31%)
Domain name system (6%)
i think it could maybe possibly be domain name system (6%)
Uniform Resource Locator (6%)
Will Kirk use URL, DNS, and web address synonymously in our class?

yes (56%) (6%)
yeah :) (6%)
yep (6%)
Yep (6%)
Yes (6%)
YES (6%)
yess (6%)
yuh (6%)
What is the URL of our class site? (53%) (12%) (12%) (12%) (6%) (6%)
What company is hosting your site?

bluehost (56%)
Bluehost (13%)
blue host (6%)
Blue host (6%)
BlueHost (6%) (6%) (6%)
What is the URL of your class site (everyone will have a different answer)?

not set up yet.... (24%)
not set up (10%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%)
Do you like this format?

adjusting still (7%) (7%) (7%)
I appreciate the synchronous lectures, because with just the asynchronous videos this class would be hard (7%)
It is an adjustment (7%)
its okay (7%)
kind of hard when things are not on canvas (7%)
Need to get used to it (7%)
n o (7%)
not reeaally (7%)
sure (7%)
yeah (7%)
yes (7%)
Yes (7%)

Poll: Week 02

Where does Kirk like to find html and css sample code?

w33school (33%)
i honestly do not remember (13%)
plemicl (13%)
sandovmg (13%)
im not sure sorry (7%)
me either (7%)
same (7%)
sorry! forgot (7%)
From 'here is the html "code" for a sample page', show me the 1st line of code for a common web page

<!doctype html> (88%)
<doctype html> (6%)
<!doctype html> <html lang=\"en\"> <head> (6%)
From 'here is the html "code" for a sample page', show me the '<html...' line of code for a common web page

<html lang=\\\"en\\\"> (44%)
<html lang=\"en\"> (38%)
<hmtl lang=\"en\"> (6%)
<html lang=/\"EN/\"> (6%)
lang=\"en\" (6%)
Show me the following lines with a title that could have your name in the tab based on the following lines: <head> <title>Shows on the tab</title> </head>

<head><head> <title>LaCheel</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Alexis</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Delanie</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Emily</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Huy_Tran</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Jackie</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Jillian</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Joe</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>KENZIE</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Kevin Han</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Lara</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>lexismolic</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Marisa</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>marleysmith</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Maxwell Lanum</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Selena</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Yusuf Ozdemir</title> </head> (6%)
<head> <title>Zhengxiang</title> </head> (6%)
Here's an opening body tag, '<body>', show me a closing body tag

</body> (94%)
<br> (6%)
Show me an opening bold tag

<b> (78%)
<b> or <strong> (11%)
<head> <title>Shows on the tab</title> </head> (6%)
<strong> (6%)
A <p> stands for what type of tag?

paragraph (88%)
Paragraph (6%)
paragraph or next line (6%)
Show me a closing paragraph tag

</p> (100%)
Show me one line of code with 'howdy partner' in a paragraph

<p>howdy partner</p> (83%)
<p>howdy parnter</p> (6%)
<p> howdy partner </p> (6%)
<p> Howdy Partner </p> (6%)
Show me an ordered list opening tag

<ol> (100%)
Show me an ordered list closing tag

</ol> (100%)
Show me a list item tag

<li> (100%)
Show me an unordered list tag, with 'pizza, steak, ribs' in the list (hint: you will have 5 lines of code)

<ul> <li>pizza <li>steak <li>ribs </ul> (41%)
<ul> <li>pizza <li>steak <li>ribs </ul> (24%)
<ul> <li> <li>pizza <li>steak <li>ribs </li> </ul> (6%)
<ul> <li>pizza</li> <li>steak</li> <li>ribs</li> </ul> (6%)
<ul> <li> pizza <li> steak <li> ribs </li> </ul> (6%)
<ul> <li>pizza <li>steak <li>ribs </li> </ul> (6%)
<ul> <li> pizza <li> steak <li> ribs </ul> (6%)
<ul> <li>pizza <li>steaks <li>ribs </ul> (6%)
Will the closing body tag be near the end of your html?

yes (75%)
I think (6%)
most of the time (6%)
not sure (6%)
sure (6%)
Will the closing body tag be before or after the closing html tag?

before (93%)
before easy (7%)
Show me a closing html tag?

</html> (100%)
Fix the one problem in this table: <table> <tr><td>Words go here<td></tr> </table>

<table> <tr><td>Words go here</td></tr> </table> (80%)
<table> <tr><td>Words go here<td></tr> </table> (13%)
<table> <tr> <td>Words go here</td> </tr> </table> (7%)
Fix this code if I have my image in a folder named KirksImages <img src="img/SampleImage.jpg" alt="Sample Image" style="width:90%;">

<img src=\"KirksImages/SampleImage.jpg\" alt=\"Sample Image\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (36%)
<img src=\"img/KirksImages.jpg\" alt=\"Sample Image\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (14%)
<img src=\"img/SampleImage.jpg\" alt=\"SampleImage\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (14%)
<img src=\"img/KirksImages.jpg\\\" alt=\\\"Sample Image\\\" style=\\\"width:90%;\\\"> (7%)
<img src=\"img/SampleImage.jpg\" alt=\"Sample Image\" style=\"width:90%;\\\"> (7%)
<img src=/\"\"KirksImagesimg/SampleImage.jpg\" alt=\"Sample Image\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (7%)
<img src=\"KirksImagesimg/SampleImage.jpg\" alt=\"Sample Image\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (7%)
<img src=\\\"KirksImages/SampleImage.jpg\\\" alt=\\\"Sample Image\\\" style=\\\"width:90%;\\\"> (7%)
What is the web address for the WebPage02.htm assignment viewer? (88%) (6%) I think (6%)
When are re-grade requests due?

1 week (7%)
1 week after due date (7%)
1 week after the intial due (7%)
asap (7%)
a week after (7%)
a week from the day they are first due (7%)
in a week (7%)
In a week (7%)
Next Thursday 11:59pm (7%)
one week (7%)
that week (7%)
thurs 11:59pm (7%)
Thursday 11:59 (7%)
within a week (7%)
within a week after it was graded (7%)
Can your grade go down with a re-grade request?

no (60%)
no? (13%)
hopefully not (7%)
hope not (7%)
No (7%)
No. I would be sad :( (7%)
What web page do you use to get to the re-grade request?

assignment viewer (64%)
assignment page (14%)
Assignment viewer (7%)
link under assignment (7%)
link under assignment page (7%)
Are re-grade requests encouraged?

yes (75%)
Absolutely (6%)
duh (6%)
Yep (6%)
Yes (6%)
How do you look at web page source code?

ctrl + u (43%)
ctrl u (21%)
ctrl U (7%)
Ctrl + U on windows (7%)
for windows ctrl + u (7%)
inspect element on chrome (7%)
win: ctrl+u (7%)
Should I remove the Material link from the navigation menu?

no (60%)
Absolutely not (7%)
nah (7%)
No (7%)
no preference (7%)
yes (7%)
yes i never use that anyways (7%)

Poll: Week 03

Have you watched "Anatomy of a Web Page" from Week 01?

yes (73%)
was watching it today (7%)
yeah (7%)
yes i think (7%)
yup (7%)
Photos on the web: is reducing an image from 6000x4000 to 600x400 called 'cropping' or 'resizing'?

resizing (100%)
Photos on the web: is reducing an image from 600x400 to 600x300 called 'cropping' or 'resizing'?

cropping (100%)
Photos on the web: would reducing an image from 6000x4000 to 600x400 cause the image to become distorted (i.e. stretched)?

no (85%)
no it is scale (8%)
no ratios still work (8%)
Photos on the web: what is the largest pixel width acceptable for our class?

1024 (86%)
1,024 (7%)
1024px (7%)
Photos on the web: what is the largest file size acceptable for our class?

0.5mb (23%)
.5 MB (23%)
0.5MB (15%)
.5 mb (15%)
.5MB (15%)
.5mb (8%)
Photos on the web: will adding HTML or CSS to an image change it's size?

no (86%)
not entirely sure (7%)
yes (7%)
Photos on the web: what will adding 'width="60%"' do to an image?

make it smaller (33%)
shrink it (25%)
make the image smaller (8%)
reduce the width to 60% of its original width (8%)
scales down the width (8%)
squish it (8%)
tighten the image (8%)
What type of styling would you call the following: <link href='Style_Sheet.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

external styling (62%)
external (23%)
css (15%)
What type of styling would you call the following: <style> summary::-webkit-details-marker { color: #80C16F; font-size: 125%; margin-right: 2px; } </style>

internal (53%)
internal styling (33%)
external styling (7%)
in line styling (7%)
What type of styling would you call the following: <p style='margin:3em;'>Blah, blah, blah</p>

in line (50%)
inline (14%)
in line styling (14%)
inline b/c of the style= (7%)
inline styling (7%)
Inline Styling (7%)
What is the order of styling from general to specific?

external, internal, inline (38%)
external, internal, in line (38%)
external > internal > inline (15%)
External > Internal > Inline (8%)
Have you made your own font?

no (57%)
nope (14%)
i got started on it but havent finished yet (7%)
never try it (7%)
nopers (7%)
not yet (7%)
Have taken the practice quiz or practice exam on Canvas yet?

not yet (53%)
no (33%)
sadly no (7%)
there are practice quiz !!! (7%)
Any guesses where 1024 came from?

idk (21%)
no idea (14%)
1024*768 (7%)
2^10 (7%)
birthday? (7%)
it is standard (7%)
no clue (7%)
right before 2048 (7%)
standard img size?? (7%)
the game 2048 (7%)
your fav number? (7%)
What's the resolution for 4k?

3840 x 2160 (42%)
4000 (25%)
4000? (8%)
4096p (8%)
idk (8%)
i have no clue (8%)
4K, who cares? Me or not me.

no (21%)
not me (21%)
HD display (7%)
I care? (7%)
I will care when I buy my monitor (7%)
made for gamers (7%)
me (7%)
Prob should? (7%)
you (7%)
you care (7%)
Do you know how to tell the file size of an image?

yes (43%)
Ctrl + (7%)
force touch (7%)
image properties (7%)
info (7%)
I usually right click it (7%)
no plz tell me (7%)
right click (7%)
ya (7%)
Any questions?

are we playing bingo (50%)
What is the best way to resize a photo for windows? (50%)

Poll: Week 04

A persona is basically a...

a character role (11%)
an example of an archetypical user of a system (11%)
character (11%)
fictional story (11%)
fictional story/ person used for marketing (11%)
social role that one adopts (11%)
the user of the system (11%)
type of person interacting w system (11%)
user stories (list of requirements for a software) (11%)
If you build a sample website using an image editor like Photoshop, is it called a wireframe, mockup, or prototype?

mockup (79%)
wireframe (14%)
nah (7%)
If you build a sample web page that doesn't really do anything, is it called a wireframe, mockup, or prototype?

prototype (71%)
wireframe (21%)
mockup (7%)
If you scribble a web page design on a piece of paper, is it called a wireframe, mockup, or prototype?

wireframe (100%)
If you type out a web page design in a text editor, is it called a wireframe, mockup, or prototype?

prototype (71%)
wireframe (29%)
Were you able to capture a screenshot and publish it on a web page correctly on your first try?

yes (43%)
no (29%)
nooo (7%)
not on webpage04 (7%)
ya (7%)
ye (7%)
Should you make a lot of changes at once when building web pages, or a little change at a time?

little at a time (36%)
little (29%)
a little change at a time (14%)
a little (7%)
A little at a time (7%)
either just save the changes (7%)
HTML mechanics...fix the following line: <img src="images/screenshot" alt="Miami Login" style="width:90%;">

<img src=\"images/screenshot.jpg\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (46%)
<img src=\"images/screenshot.jpeg\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (15%)
<img src=\"images/screenshot\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:44%;\"> (8%)
<img src=\"images/screenshot.jpeg\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:44%;\"> (8%)
<img src=\\\"images/screenshot.jpeg\" alt=\\\"Miami Login\\\" style=\"width:44%;\\\"> (8%)
<img src=\"images/screenshot.jpg\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:44%;\"> (8%)
<img src=\\\"images/screenshot.jpg\\\" alt=\"Miami Login\" style=\"width:90%;\"> (8%)
HTML mechanics...fix the 1 problem in following code: <style> .kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p id="kirkslook">stuff here</p>

<style> #kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p id=\"kirkslook\">stuff here</p> (50%)
<style> css.kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p id=\"kirkslook\">stuff here</p> (17%)
<style> #kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p id=\\\"kirkslook\\\">stuff here</p> (17%)
<style> caa.kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p id=\"kirkslook\">stuff here</p> (8%)
<style> .kirkslook{ color:#0000ff; padding:10em; } </style> <p class=\"kirkslook\">stuff here</p> (8%)
HTML mechanics...fix the 1 problem in following code: <br>hello</br>

<br>hello<br> (50%)
<br>hello (33%)
hello<br> (17%)
HTML mechanics...fix the 1 problem in following code: <p>There once was a great big rabbit

<p>There once was a great big rabbit</p> (83%)
<p>There once was a great big rabbit </p> (17%)
HTML mechanics...fix the 1 problem in following code: <h1>Really important thing</h1> <p>Blahbity blah</p> <h3>Pretty important</h3>

<h1>Really important thing</h1> <p>Blahbity blah</p> <h2>Pretty important</h2> (58%)
<h1>Really important thing</h1> <h2>Blahbity blah</h2> <h3>Pretty important</h3> (33%)
<h1>Really important thing</h1> <h2>Pretty important</h2> <h3>Blahbity blah</h3> (8%)
Give me a bad website for our class discussion of Good and Bad websites

craigslist (21%)
zara (14%)
clnet (7%) (7%) (7%) (7%) (7%) (7%) (7%)
wikipedia (7%) (7%)
Discussion: a website that has room for improvement according to one of you 1. Cannot turn embed Youtube videos into full screen mode 2. Need a search bar to find our assignment viewer

leave alone (43%)
bonus points (14%)
no (14%)
leave alone, the topic was \"room for improvement\" so its peronsal opinion (7%)
leave alone, we are all learning here (7%)
not necessary (7%)
what? it would be bonus points for being honest (7%)

Poll: Week 05

Should you have more than one "body" tag?

no (80%)
NO (13%)
an open and close (7%)
Should you always have a "head" tag?

yes (80%)
yeah (13%)
yep (7%)
Should you have the following line of code in your web page? <link href="KirksGreatExternalStyleSheet.css?Change_this_to_force_an_uncached_reload_03" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

no (85%)
nope (8%)
only if you have that link (8%)
Should you always have a "title" tag on a web page?

yes (53%)
yeah (20%)
depends (7%)
ja (7%)
ya (7%)
YES (7%)
Which is the best option for an image from the following choices: <img src="images/puppies.jpg"> <img src="images/puppies.jpg" alt="1"> <img src="images/puppies.png" alt="puppies"> <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="puppies"> <img src="images/puppies.jpg" alt="puppies"> <img src = "images/puppies.jpg" alt="puppies">

<img src=\"images/puppies.jpg\" alt=\"puppies\"> (56%)
<img src=\\\"images/puppies.jpg\\\" alt=\\\"puppies\\\"> (13%)
<img src=\"images/puppies.png\" alt=\"puppies\"> (13%)
<img src=\"images/1.jpg\" alt=\"puppies\"> (6%)
<img src="images/puppies.jpg"> (6%)
<img src=\\\\\\\"images/puppies.jpg\\\\\\\" alt=\\\\\\\"puppies\\\\\\\"> (6%)
How long was the "FixThisSite step by step" video?

54 (20%)
54 mins (13%)
55 mins (13%)
long (13%)
54 minutes (7%)
55 minutes (7%)
almost an hour (7%)
hour (7%)
longggggg (7%)
very long (7%)
What, if anything, would you want to know about the FixThisSite.htm project that the "FixThisSite step by step" video did not cover?

nothing (58%)
ill lyk if I have a question (8%)
i will send u an email after watching the video (8%)
nothin (8%)
nothing as of now (8%)
nothing atm (8%)
Have you started your FixThisSite.htm project yet?

no (43%)
not yet (21%)
just created (7%)
no, does it take long to do (7%)
no ill do it this weekend (7%)
nope (7%)
should i have? (7%)
What is the link (URL/web address) on our class site home page to "View Top Images"? (100%)
How are you doing with time management (in general) this semester?

fine but gets stressful (7%)
good (7%)
great so far (7%)
I could do better (7%)
Nice, but sometimes not efficiently (7%)
not bad but my workload all together takes a long time (7%)
not the best (7%)
ok (7%)
pretty good (7%)
soso (7%)
using google calendar helps (7%)
using google calendar to check everything (7%)
very good (7%)
well (7%)

Poll: Week 06

How did you choose a realistically "fixable" website for the FixThisSite.htm project?

Did lots of research on the bad websites (7%)
Finding the worst websites on the net (7%)
googled a random website generator clicked until I found a bad one (7%)
googled "bad websites" (7%)
I am doing this site for my semester long IMS 413 Usability Project (7%)
I chose a site I avoid because it's too annoying to deal with. (7%)
i chose a site that i go on often and have trouble navigating (7%)
I just found a bad website (7%)
I just thought of bad websites that I've seen (7%)
I just used a site I already had knowledge of (7%)
I looked up bad websites and scrolled a little (7%)
I stumbled upon a bad site and knew how to fix it (7%)
looked up bad websites (7%)
try to think about things that bother me (7%)
used our last project about bad sites (7%)
What was I looking for in the FixThisSite.htm project (i.e. what were the goals)?

Analyzing different features of a website and how they can be improved (7%)
A site describing what was wrong with the site and then a link to a prototyped fixed site (7%)
a website easier to manage and that looks better (7%)
create a prototype (7%)
Design concepts (7%)
design concepts learned, using of images and basic HTML correctly, making creating a Prototype (7%)
Designing a prototype website (7%)
explanation of what was wrong then a new link to a website that has the fixes (7%)
find a bad website and then make a prototype of a new design (7%)
how to create a link with image (7%)
implementing concepts we have learned and developing a prototype (7%)
implementing design rules we used using our HTML practice (7%)
Practice fixing a website (7%)
to show what we've learned in the class so far (7%)
Give an example of top navigation (also called menu system and navigation menu)

home (33%)
material (17%)
about me (8%)
contact info (8%)
contact us (8%)
home, pet peeves (8%)
materials (8%)
syllabus (8%)
What are you doing your MyInterest site on (what topic)?

Clothing brands (14%)
haven't looked at it yet (14%)
idk yet (14%)
i dont know yet (14%)
my hobbies (14%)
no clue yet (14%)
not sure yet (14%)
Breakout Rooms: more time, less time, or 10 minutes is good

less (23%)
10 (8%)
10 minutes is good (8%)
5-10min (8%)
5 mins (8%)
5 mins; also if we create the project page now does that count as starting it early for extra credit, and if so do we email you that we did (8%)
5 minutes (8%)
Less (8%)
LESS (8%)
less time (8%)
Less time (8%)
Do you like me sharing my screen AND reading the Tell Me questions

yes (47%)
doesnt matter (7%)
idc (7%)
i like it (7%)
impartial (7%)
its nice to see on your screen as well helps us stay on track (7%)
nice (7%)
yep (7%)
yes, its nice (7%)

Poll: Week 08

Show code for an email link with the following... To: Subject: Help me please

<a href=";meandnbsp;please">email me</a> (62%)
<a href="">Help me please</a> (15%)
<a href=";meandnbsp;please%0D%0A">email me</a> (8%)
<a href=";meandnbsp;please</a> (8%)
<a href=" me please=Iandnbsp;amandnbsp;contactingandnbsp;youandnbsp;because:%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A">email me</a> </body> </html> (8%)
Fix the following (one problem): <label for="a_text_field_01">Text field</label> <input type="text" name="a_text_field_01' id="a_text_field_01" value="">

<label for="a_text_field_01">Text field</label> <input type="text" name="a_text_field_01" id="a_text_field_01" value=""> (77%)
<label for="a_text_field_01">Text field</label> <input type="text" name="a_text_field_01' id="a_text_field_01" value="> (15%)
<label for="a_text_field_01">Text field</label> <input type="text" name="a_text_field_01' id="a_text_field_01" value="a_text_field_01"> (8%)
Show code for an email link with the following... To:

<a href="">email me here</a> (29%)
<a href="">email me here</a> (29%)
<a href="">email me here</a> (7%)
<a">email me here</a> (7%)
<a href="">email me here</a> (7%)
<a href=">email me here</a> (7%)
<a href="">hello</a> (7%)
<a href=""Hello">email me</a> (7%)
Would the following code allow a user to select more than one radio button? <fieldset> <legend>Radio Buttons</legend> <br><input type="radio" name="gender" id="1st choice" value="1st choice"><label for="1st choice" class="radio">1st choice</label> <br><input type="radio" name="gender" id="2nd choice" value="2nd choice"><label for="2nd choice" class="radio">2nd choice</label> <br><input type="radio" name="gender" id="3rd choice" value="3rd choice"><label for="3rd choice" class="radio">3rd choice</label> </fieldset>

no (82%)
No (18%)
How many check boxes would appear using the following code? <fieldset> <legend>Checkboxes</legend> <br><input type="checkbox" name="1st one" id="1st one" value="1st one"><label for="1st one" class="checkbox">1st one</label> <br><input type="checkbox" name="2nd one" id="2nd one" value="2nd one"><label for="2nd one" class="checkbox">2nd one</label> <br><input type="checkbox" name="3rd one" id="3rd one" value="3rd one"><label for="3rd one" class="checkbox">3rd one</label> <br><input type="checkbox" name="4th one" id="4th one" value="4th one"><label for="4th one" class="checkbox">4th one</label> </fieldset>

4 (100%)
Fix the one problem: <label for="a_dropdown_list">Dropdown list</label> <br><select name="a_dropdown_list" id="a_dropdown_list"> <option value="this thing">Option 1</option> <option value="another thing">Option 2</option> <option value="3rd choice">Option 3</option> <option value="final option>Option 4</option> </select>

<label for="a_dropdown_list">Dropdown list</label> <br><select name="a_dropdown_list" id="a_dropdown_list"> <option value="this thing">Option 1</option> <option value="another thing">Option 2</option> <option value="3rd choice">Option 3</option> <option value="final option">Option 4</option> </select> (100%)
Fix the one problem: <p><label for="a_textarea">Textarea <br><textarea name="a_textarea" id="a_textarea" rows="5" cols="55"></textarea></label><p>

<p><label for="a_textarea">Textarea <br><textarea name="a_textarea" id="a_textarea" rows="5" cols="55"></textarea></label></p> (100%)
What's the first thing you think of when you think about accessibility and web pages?

ability to be used on any device (8%)
accessible on different version of browsers (8%)
clean and accessible web page (8%)
Easy enough a child can understand it, simple. (8%)
easy to navigate (8%)
Easy to navigate. Subtitles for audio and video. (8%)
easy to read (8%)
easy to read and understand the web pages (8%)
easy to use and understand webpage (8%)
it's easy to get around and not too complex (8%)
organized (8%)
pure interactive experience (8%)
What tool does Kirk like to use to check accessibility?

another browser (25%)
his phone (25%)
shows the website to someone (25%)
WAVE extension on Chrome (25%)
MyInterest/index.htm is coming up, how would you like to spend the rest of this class today?

travel (17%)
<a href=""Hello">email me</a> (8%)
Animal Crossing (8%)
anime and league of legends (8%)
design (8%)
dogs (8%)
idk yet (8%)
kelleys island (8%)
not sure yet (8%)
reading maybe (8%)
Welding (8%)
HTML for a link that opens in a new tab or window that says reddit and goes to ""

<a href="" target="_blank">reddit</a> (42%)
<a href="" target="_blank">reddit</a> (33%)
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> (17%)
<a href="">reddit</a> (8%)

Poll: Week 09

MyInterest/index.htm is coming up, how would you like to spend the class time today?

Asking questions and discuss them with the class (10%)
Discussing questions asked about the projects (10%)
maybe you going through them and telling us if there's something to fix (10%)
Please give me some feedbacks~ (10%)
review (10%)
talking about css (10%)
Talking about how to work on CSS (10%)
Talking about ways to improve the project (10%)
troubleshooting (10%)
working on the css aspect of the project (10%)
What was the purpose of WebPage09.htm?

to get feedback on our project (15%)
For fun (8%)
get feedback on our project so far (8%)
get feedback on the project (8%)
get insight on our project from someone else (8%)
getting feedback on the project (8%)
myinterest prep, analysis, and feedback (8%)
Review of friends and family about my project (8%)
To encourage you to start the project (8%)
To make sure we started out project and to get peer evaluations (8%)
to reflect on what changes we can make to improve MyInterest page (8%)
To share your MyInterest project with people and get feedback (8%)
5 minutes for a breakout session good, too long, or too short?

good (33%)
all good (8%)
depends on the day/assignment (8%)
Good (8%)
It's good (8%)
just right (8%)
not bad (8%)
perfect time (8%)
To short to get adequate help on the project (8%)

Poll: Week 10

Questions about Kirk's sample HireMe/index.php site?

not yet (18%)
does it need to be skills specific to ims (9%)
havent even read what its about (9%)
havent looked (9%)
haven't looked at it yet (9%)
Haven't looked yet (9%)
none yet (9%)
no questions yet (9%)
Not yet (9%)
will it be more or less difficult than this project (9%)
Would you like to see a demo of a Kirk side project: <a href="" target="_blank">Polaroids on a coffee table</a>?

sure (40%)
yeah (20%)
as a video on the site yes, not in class (10%)
mmmmaybe (10%)
what is it about (10%)
yes (10%)
How many spelling errors did you find on your peer's MyInterest site?

0 (38%)
none (31%)
1 (8%)
3 or 4 (8%)
NONE (8%)
none yet (8%)
Work on WebPage11.php together (with Kirk)


//just for learning
echo 'hello world'.' with more stuff here';
echo '<br>hello world again; a word like it\'s I start typing again... instead of it is'." - and then more stuff here";
echo "<p>hey y'all, one more thing \"do you like this\"</p>";

//for the assignment
echo '<p>Today is '.date('m-d-Y').'</p>';
echo 'The time is now '.date('h:ia');

still need to make this:
The second hand (29) is odd
Did you fix any spelling or grammar errors found?

none found (54%)
no (23%)
yes (15%)
None found (8%)

Poll: Week 12

Who's excited to get 2 points of extra credit by having their HireMe project well underway by now?

not me (17%)
:( (8%)
... (8%)
haven't done that yet (8%)
havent started (8%)
I havent started (8%)
I should have started (8%)
I wanted to, but had a lot of other work this week (8%)
Me? (8%)
Need the points (8%)
not me :( (8%)
Who wants to see the behind the scenes (kind of) of a website that Kirk built?

me (70%)
I would love that :) (10%)
sure (10%)
yme (10%)
WebPage12.php was easy and not easy. If you did everything right, it was easy. If not, it was hard. What challenges did you have and how did you fix the problem?

I forgot some periods and quotation marks, I had to go back through the code to fix those. (11%)
I had a few typos in my PHP but once I solved those it was easy (11%)
I had a Lot of little typing errors that I needed to find and fix (11%)
i had problems with spacing errors so I made sure to double-check my code frequently (11%)
I had the wrong name for some files, making it not work, but it was easy after I changed them. (11%)
I was having challenges getting my php functional, just took a lot of troubleshooting and changing small things at a time (11%)
my text was showing up at random but my pictures weren't and they still are not:( (11%)
Neutral. Need to pay attention in details. Such as the "/" and "\" (11%)
Typo made everything terrible, Zhengxiang Xu found it for me (11%)
Was that long enough for the breakout session?

yes (69%)
it was a little long (8%)
yea (8%)
yeah (8%)
Yes (8%)
What questions do you have about Mike's site?

none (38%)
I really like the toolbar layout and homepage design :) (13%)
I would like to see how to use the pic grabber correctly for this project (13%)
looks great to me! (13%)
This isn't about the hire me project: But have the most recent pages been for extra credit (Webpage 11 and up)? (13%)
what font is the "Hire Me" in top left (13%)

None at the moment (100%)

Poll: Week 13

General questions?

if we were to use java in our project, would we get extra credit? (33%)
What's the difference between Java and JavaScript? (33%)
would javascript normally be taught more in this class during other semesters? (33%)
Who wants to see Kirk's handwritten letter?

sure (33%)
i do (11%)
me (11%)
yeah (11%)
yep (11%)
yes (11%)
yes! (11%)

Poll: Week 14

General questions?

no (100%)
What should I keep doing in the class next semester?

tell me polls (40%)
end of class quizzes (10%)
everything essentially (10%)
Going over the assignments during class (10%)
keep the assignment viewer (10%)
provide the answers to the cumulative reults (10%)
Tell me polls (10%)
What should I stop doing in the class next semester?

nothing (30%)
breakout rooms (20%)
end of class quizzes (10%)
honestly, this was a fantastic class, nothing (10%)
i like the website but i do wish the assignment due dates were on canvas (10%)
Nothing (10%)
using your own website, use canvas, breakout rooms (10%)
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself at the beginning of the semester?

be prepared to get frustrated when your website doesn't work (10%)
change web service provider. Bluehost is too slow. (10%)
don't worry, I can do it (10%)
Don't worry too much about errors (10%)
every point counts (10%)
Kirk is the best teacher to teach this CALL BLUEHOST (10%)
Kirk makes this class a lot better than it sounds (10%)
never called bluehost, should have (10%)
start assignments early (10%)
Start the big projects early for extra credit (10%)
Do you like me showing my Zoom video during class?

yes (67%)
absolutely (11%)
Yes (11%)
yes, shows character and makes the class less boring (11%)
What, if anything, should I change next semester?

canvas calendar (13%)
Have some information on canvas (assignment due dates, grading criteria). (13%)
maybe open back up the pre-class office hours (13%)
nothing, it's perfect (13%)
office hours or TA (13%)
put notifications for assignments on canvas (13%)
put the due dates for assignments on canvas (13%)
the color scheme of the site. (13%)
What can I do differently to encourage people to start sooner?

start in class (20%)
extra credit is motivating (10%)
Fine the way it is (10%)
make the requirements harder (10%)
more extra credit (10%)
not so many boundaries for the extra credit (10%)
Set different dues for each small parts (10%)
starting the projects together as a group (10%)
the bonus points are a good incentive (10%)