Tell Me

Start over (and notes)
This polling system is free to use and was designed by Kirk Hopkins for a web design class. The idea was to allow students to have a hands-on stress-free, grade-free way to demonstrate learning and allow the instructor to gage where the class was at and what they needed to work on. The facilitator creates a login (one-time), logs in, creates polls, and questions for each poll on the spot or ahead of time. Participants (i.e. students) click a link to join a poll in progress. Participant answers are tracked by the IP address (i.e. internet number/address) so no codes are necessary. Polls are partially anonymous. The IP address is tracked but is not tied to a name.

This system is meant to be more than "pick the best answer". It's designed to be more of an interaction. The style of the site is also very minimal to keep clutter out of the way and make interactions happen quickly. Responses show in a monospace font to allow for the comparison of things like extra spaces. Results are lumped together by exact matches on purpose (to identify minor differences). If all of the responses are unique, percentages are not shown. The percentages on the results page round up. So 33.3333333334 becomes 34%. It's not an error and try not to whine about it. The results update on the page automatically on a periodic basis as well as on submit so you will need some good network connectivity if you want to use this system.

Join March 1, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join February 28, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 2, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 4, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 3, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 7, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 5, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 8, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

Join March 9, 2022 created by Pam Hopkins

or facilitate a poll below
