Create a multiple page website with a navigation/menu system (using an "include" of one header and one footer)
Opportunity for creativity in content and design
Opportunity to demonstrate learning
Tell about a hobby or interest that you have (should be different than what you will use on your HireMe site)
The site should have enough content to make someone want to visit the entire site
Create MyInterest/index.htm
Due by Wednesday 10-31-2018 at noon
One re-grade request allowed from Wednesday 10-31-2018 at noon until Wednesday 11-14-2018 at noon
Grade value: 10% of your final grade
Content should include
Multiple pages in a new style that tell about an interest (the site should have enough content to make someone want to look at the site)
You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
At least 3 images that you created (photos that you took or designs that you made)
Site should not contain images created by others (modifying someone else's image is not acceptable)
Grading Rubric
Content: Multiple pages in a new style that tell about an interest (the site should have enough content to make someone want to look at the site)
-50% not multiple pages, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-50% barely any content, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-30% not nearly enough content
-30% no images (need 3)
-20% only 2 images (need 3)
-10% only 1 image (need 3)
-10% not quite enough content
-05% could use some minor content changes
Design: You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
-50% did not modify the css enough (or at all) to make it uniquely yours
-20% designs and/or images that don't scale (i.e. not responsive)
-20% navigation menu responsive design problem
-05% minor responsive design changes needed
-05% spacing between content and the edge of the page
-05% color scheme
In class
10 minutes to work on WebPage09.htm
Review Kirk's WebPage06.htm - consolidated tallies of what I like about the class and what I would change
Review Kirk's Project 02 (MyInterest/index.htm)
Review Project 02 (My Interest/index.htm) for student volunteers
Lab time to work on edits for Project 02 (My Interest)
Quiz 04 - CSS Mechanics (10 minutes at the end of class - I will stay in class until everyone is finished or it is 5pm - you will have until Friday at 5pm to complete it)
On Your Own - Due by Wednesday 11-07-2018 at noon
Share some of your learning with friends and/or family
Create WebPage09.htm
Due by Wednesday 11-07-2018 at noon
One re-grade request allowed from Wednesday 11-07-2018 at noon until Wednesday 11-14-2018 at noon
Grade value: 1% of your final grade
Content should include
Tell who you showed your MyInterest site to and what they thought about it