On Your Own - Due by Friday 02-03-2017 at noon

Video/Transcript: IMS222 21 - HTML5 - some standard tags

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Here are some standard tags
nav is for menu navigation
h1 is for the first heading
h2 is for the second heading, and so on
For semantic reasons you should never have an h2 without an h1 first
section is for a section
article is for an article within a section

Video/Transcript: IMS222 22 - HTML5 - proper indenting

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Using proper indenting while writing code is very important. It's easy to figure where you're at and what's going on with small pages but start throwing some PHP and Javascript in there and crank up the number of lines in the thousands and you'll understand what I mean.

I like to use two spaces for indenting. Some people use tabs and that's OK too. Whatever you choose, be consistent.

Video/Transcript: IMS222 23 - HTML5 - inspect HTML

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To view your HTML or the HTML on someone else's page use the inspect HTML option. With Safari you have to turn it on first. Safari...Preferences...Advanced...CHECK in 'Show Develop menu in menu bar'.

I also use Google Chrome. Right-click...inspect.

One of my favorite ways to view code is in a new window. With Google Chrome, option/command/u (all at the same time).

Firefox and Opera also have options to inspect code. I suppose IE may have it too, but I'm not an IE fan.

Video/Transcript: IMS222 24 - HTML5 - embedding video's

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After you upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, or some other video streaming service, you can usually embed it into your web page. YouTube actually gives you the code to embed it. When you do this, your video is still stored on YouTube's servers (their cloud) and streams to the user's computer from their site, even though they're on your site. Pretty cool, eh? I usually warn against including info from other sites but I definitely make the exception when it comes to videos. Having previously managed a video player on my own site, I can tell you it's something that I don't miss at all.

I created a wrapper around the videos used in our Week using CSS. You're welcome to steal my code, but you'll need to figure out how on your own.

Video/Transcript: IMS222 25 - HTML5 - the dangers of linking to someone else's info

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The problem with including someone else's library or code in your web page is that you're relying on their service to be up and running and for there site to never go away. You can download other people's information as well. Unfortunately, it's often very bloated (large files) and you end up slowing down your user's experience with a bunch of code that you're not even using.

Video/Transcript: IMS222 26 - Kirk's Pet Peeves

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My pet peeves? I'm not going to say much more than read my pet peeves. If I had to highlight my top four for the Weekes that I teach it would be spelling, consistency, broken images, and untested responsive design (we'll get to it later in the Week). My last really big pet peeve doesn't really relate directly to our Week as much, it's maintainability. There's not much worse than going to a web site and seeing 'upcoming' information for something that weeks, months, or even years old. It removes all validity to the web site. Before you start something, make sure you can finish it; with a website, that means maintaining it.

Contact Kirk

513.529.6700 | email | Email Form

105 Harris Hall, Oxford, OH 45056

My office (105 Harris Hall) is on the right side of the building as you walk in to Harris dining hall. I'm on the right as soon as you walk in the building.

Find my office via Google maps

Office Hours prior to 03-10-2017: 10:45am-11:45am on Friday's or by appointment

Based on student feedback, beginning 03-10-2017, "Office Hours" have been replaced with class time from 11am-11:45am on Friday's in 205 Laws Hall