Week 3


Goal: Learn some basic html

On Your Own 3

Why is the web awesome? (watch this video)
History of the internet (watch this video)
How the internet works (watch this video)
How the web works (watch this video)
Overview of HTML (watch this video)

Text Editors

Now, it's time to dive in and actually make something.

To do the next step, you'll need a text editor. Here are some that you might want to check out:

All in all, what you want in this software is something that works for you and colors the code so you know if you're running astray. If any of you have done some of this stuff and want to share your favorite software with the class.<\p>

NOTE: DO NOT USE DREAMWEAVER. You'll notice I made that all in caps and in bold. If I could make it blink and in red, I would. Never, ever, ever, ever use Dreamweaver until you know what you're doing; and by then you won't want to use it. It's garbage software that mucks up the code and will cause loads of problems for you later. Sure, you can probably use it and I won't notice, but trust me, it's nothing but trouble.

Getting started publishing web pages (Kirk uses TextWrangler and spaces (not tabs) for indenting) (watch this video)
Download the finished project shown above, as a zip file, if you like

Recipe.htm (due 11-12-2015 by 5pm)

Create a simple HTML page that's a recipe. It needs to have a headline (h1), a subhead (h2), an introduction paragraph or two (p), a list of ingredients (ul) and a list of steps (ol). Save it to https://www.users.miamioh.edu/UniqueID/IMS222/Recipe.htm.
