(substitute ctrl for command if you're on a Windows machine)
command S to save a document
command R to reload the page
command F to find text on a page
command X to cut text
command C to copy text
command V to paste text
command A to select all
command + to zoom in (sometimes)
command - to zoom out (sometimes)
command Q to quit the application
command Z to undo the last action
command N to create a new document or tab
command T to create a new tab
command tab to flip through programs
command ~ to flip through windows in a web browser
command shift arrow keys to flip through tabs
command option U to see the source code
In a text editor, showing the line numbers is helpful
Using a text editor with color-coding is helpful
Using 'column mode' with your text editor will save you time
edit the test page to say hello world
html (Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages) – standard tags
Things to avoid (i.e. Kirk Pet Peeves, aka KPPs, aka do these things if you want a lower grade)
Don't do these things
"Click Here", this isn't the 90's anymore
having underlined style links with spaces at the beginning or end of the link (underlining spaces looks silly)
email addresses - always create a mailto link when displaying an email address - like this: hopkinks@miamioh.edu
links that open improperly - if the link takes the user away from your site or menu system you need to use a target="_blank" to open the link in a new tab/window (governed by the user's browser)
Images, Audio, and Video
broken images - bad, bad, bad
animated GIF's
automatically playing audio/video on page load
stretched photos
images without an "alt" tag
videos without closed-captions
background images - be careful, it's easy to mess up a page with them
images that are huge and can take a while for the page to load, a general rule of thumb can be that images should be smaller than 1024 wide and less than .5MB
other people's images - don't use their's, use your own - this includes glyphicons - don't use "free" ones either - make your own - with the exception of facebook, linked in, and twitter type icons
marquee (sliding text or pictures) - don't use it
blink - don't use it
seizure causing image/background changes - don't do it
designs and/or images that don't scale (i.e. not responsive)
designs that are too busy
designs that change on the website (i.e. different from one page to another)
eligible text (usually on a background that makes it difficult to read)
using someone elses graphics, color schemes, and styles (with little to no changes)
More Technical
flash (doesn't work on iOS, thankfully)
bad grammar
poor spelling
inappropriate amount of content
pop-ups - they are annoying and often blocked by the browser
underlining - don't use underlines unless it is part of a link
don't use images and pdf's in place of a web page; saving a resume as an image or pdf and including it on a web page does NOT count as a web page, build the page as HTML
web version for a pdf - indicate pdf documents with "pdf" - web content and pdf content (not necessarily styling) should match
inconsistency - grrrr - be consistent with your whole web site (menu system, color scheme and styling)
poor communication - the user doesn't have you there to explain things, your pages need to explain things on their own
messy mark-up/code - your HTML and CSS should follow a pattern with indenting and be the same throughout your site; random spaces and tags with typo's also drive me crazy
unnecessary HTML and CSS - including things that are not used just makes your site more difficult to maintain
font tags - use CSS instead
bad semantics - don't go from h1 to h3 without an h2 between them
testing - view your pages with multiple browsers, at different sizes, and have a peer/friend look at it to see what they think, your pages need to function properly everywhere for everyone
UDS (Universal Disk Space) nuance
UDS...save pictures on desktop, then move them to web space
All in all, what you want in this software is something that works for you and colors the code so you know if you're running astray. If any of you have done some of this stuff and want to share your favorite software with the class.<\p>
NOTE: DO NOT USE DREAMWEAVER. You'll notice I made that all in caps and in bold. If I could make it blink and in red, I would. Never, ever, ever, ever use Dreamweaver until you know what you're doing; and by then you won't want to use it. It's garbage software that mucks up the code and will cause loads of problems for you later. Sure, you can probably use it and I won't notice, but trust me, it's nothing but trouble.
Getting started publishing web pages (Kirk uses TextWrangler and spaces (not tabs) for indenting) (watch this video)
Create a simple HTML page that's a recipe. It needs to have a headline (h1), a subhead (h2), an introduction paragraph or two (p), a list of ingredients (ul) and a list of steps (ol). Save it to https://www.users.miamioh.edu/UniqueID/IMS222/Recipe.htm.