CSS site style testing

Use the links below to re-style this entire web site to see how you can change the looks of a website with CSS while leaving the content in tact.

Purple Style
Rolling Navigation Menu
Ugly with Motion


Design in its simplest form is organization or structure. People design buildings, web sites, products, art work, and so on. 2 popular parts of web design is User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). User Interface is the way an application or web site is layed out. User Experience is the experience a user has while using an application or web site. UI/UX are often discussed together because of their close relationship.

HTML vs CSS vs Javascript

Web pages can be designed with multiple tools like PHP or python or a host of other tools, but those tools create web pages. I use PHP to create dynamic and sometimes static pages. A dynamic page is one where the content changes depending on database information or dates and times or other things. A static page is where the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) doesn't change unless someone pulls up "the code" and manually changes it.


I debated whether or not I should create a page specifically for accessibility but decided that it should be included in this design page because ultimately you should design things that are accessible (which means that everyone can use it).

Javascript tends to be a little tricky as far as accessibility with getting the right onload, onkeyup, onclick, and so on, all correct. I'm not a huge fan of javascript for this and many more reasons so I tend to stay away from it. If you're dead set on using it, make sure it works on all browsers and run an accessibility checker (or 2 or 3) on it for sure, then you'll find out why it's not my favorite.

Design Terminology

There are numerous terms in design relating to web sites. Here's a highlight of the most important ones in my opinion.