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For Web Page 05 I duplicated Web Page 04 and changed the code to say Web Page 05 at the top. I also put in some internal styling and I evaluated Alex's page for the assignment. I thought I would spend the rest of this time showing you how you could edit images with fotor.com.
I have an image in my downloads folder called curious cat. I went to fotor.com on my web browser and clicked on 'Edit a Photo'. Then I dragged my image over. Then I resized the image to 1000 pixels wide. Next I cropped the image to 300 pixels tall and adjusted the section of the photo to keep. Then I saved it to my downloads folder with a new name.
Now I need to add that to my web site by dragging it to the image folder on the web that I am using for Web Page 05. I'll rename the image once it's there. Then I change my HTML to reference (or call) the image and set appropriate alt text. Reload the page. There's my new image.
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Single web pages are OK but it's more fun to create an entire site. There are a number of ways to do that. The silly way is to recreate the menu system on every single page. Let's not do it the crazy way. You can also use an htaccess file to pre-pend and post-pend your web pages with a header and a footer. A third way is to use PHP to 'include' or 'require' another page. We'll try both of these methods in this class. We'll cover the how-to later, I just want you to start thinking about your web pages on a larger scale, as a web site.
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Now I'm going to walk you through the fix this site project