We already took our final exam so make edits on your HireMe sites and submit re-grade requests
Final project re-grade requests due by Thursday 11-26-2020 at 11:59pm
Final project details
Create a multiple page website in a HireMe folder with a navigation menu system with a PHP extension (you can use PHP include for the header and footer but that is not required)
Opportunity for creativity in content and design
Opportunity to demonstrate learning
Have a website to use for looking for an internship or summer job
This project may be used in future IMS classes
Create HireMe/index.php
Due by Thursday 11-19-2020 at 11:59pm
One re-grade request allowed from Thursday 11-19-2020 at 11:59pm until Thursday 11-26-2020 at 11:59pm
Grade value: 25% of your final grade
Content should include
Multiple pages in a new style that tell about your story (why someone would want to hire you)
You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
Grading Rubric
Content: Multiple pages in a new style that tell about your story (why someone would want to hire you)
-50% not multiple pages, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-50% barely any content, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-20% not nearly enough content
-10% not quite enough content
-05% could use some minor content changes
-10% spelling/grammar (up to 3 examples will be provided if these issues are found)
Design: You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours; some of the items below are common issues
-50% major color scheme issue - illegible text
-40% not clearly stating what type of job you are looking for
-40% did not remove KirksUnusedCSS_RemoveThisIfYouAreStealingMyCSS
-30% did not change Kirk's color scheme enough
-20% designs and/or images that don't scale (i.e. not responsive)
-20% navigation menu system hides page content (responsive design problem)
-20% dead link to an index or home page
-20% using an image or PDF of a resume in place of a web page
-20% webpages, titles, and/or menu navigation should be renamed from "This, That, etc"
-10% using links that open improperly (links that go away from your site need to open in a new tab/window)
-10% prominently displaying unrelated information like "Today is ..."
-10% improperly using KirksPictureGrabber.php
-10% showing email addresses without creating a mailto links
-10% poorly named page title
-10% leaving the navigation menu looking like a file folder when the width is skinny
-05% minor responsive design changes needed
-05% spacing between content and the edge of the page