Pizza party - Kirk will bring pizza and bottled water
Everything I do in this class is to help students learn
Discussion of changes that you would make if you taught this class (i.e. plans for next semester)
Time management
Make it due by class, .5 credit
Reminders on Wednesday still
Watching videos
Incorporate into the assignments by adding these into the assignment requirements
email reminders for assignment not found
Annoying but helpful
No Saturday or Sunday email
Send out at 9am (not 1pm on Friday)
Peer review
Better if everyone has their stuff done
What is the problem with...
Person by person
There needs to be enough things for them to say
Method of new practices
video, explain only, already made, show some changes as I make them (red to black)
no template (downloadable file), meant to type it out, hide my samples
show on Assignment Viewer, no, AutoGrade only maybe
New practice ideas - add a practice section
PracticeImages - resizing and cropping with a web-based tool?
Order in the "Material" section of the class site? Good
Other changes to the class site, not missing anything
Share stats with future classes, 1st day, show typical final grades maybe; re-grade request percentage - depends on the number
What does "teaching" for this type of class mean to you?
Cover the assignment with the class as a whole
Then Peer Assignment Review
Then new things for the upcoming week/discussions
Final project re-grade requests due by Sunday 05-12-2019 at 11:59pm
Final project details
Create a multiple page website in a HireMe folder with a navigation menu system with a PHP extension (you can use PHP include for the header and footer but that is not required)
Opportunity for creativity in content and design
Opportunity to demonstrate learning
Have a website to use for looking for an internship or summer job
This project may be used in future IMS classes
Create HireMe/index.php
Due by Sunday 05-05-2019 at 11:59pm
One re-grade request allowed from Sunday 05-05-2019 at 11:59pm until Sunday 05-12-2019 at 11:59pm
Grade value: 25% of your final grade
Content should include
Multiple pages in a new style that tell about your story (why someone would want to hire you)
You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
Grading Rubric
Content: Multiple pages in a new style that tell about your story (why someone would want to hire you)
-50% not multiple pages, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-50% barely any content, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
-20% not nearly enough content
-10% not quite enough content
-05% could use some minor content changes
-10% spelling/grammar (up to 3 examples will be provided if these issues are found)
Design: You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours; some of the items below are common issues
-50% major color scheme issue - illegible text
-40% not clearly stating what type of job you are looking for
-40% did not remove KirksUnusedCSS_RemoveThisIfYouAreStealingMyCSS
-30% did not change Kirk's color scheme enough
-20% designs and/or images that don't scale (i.e. not responsive)
-20% navigation menu system hides page content (responsive design problem)
-20% dead link to an index or home page
-20% using an image or PDF of a resume in place of a web page
-20% webpages, titles, and/or menu navigation should be renamed from "This, That, etc"
-10% using links that open improperly (links that go away from your site need to open in a new tab/window)
-10% prominently displaying unrelated information like "Today is ..."
-10% improperly using KirksPictureGrabber.php
-10% showing email addresses without creating a mailto links
-10% poorly named page title
-10% leaving the navigation menu looking like a file folder when the width is skinny
-05% minor responsive design changes needed
-05% spacing between content and the edge of the page