On Your Own - Due by
- Finish WebPage09.htm
- Share some of your learning with friends and/or family
- Create WebPage09.htm
- Due by
- One re-grade request allowed from until Friday 04-13-2018 at 5:00pm
- Grade value: 1% of your final grade
Content should include
- Tell who you showed your MyInterest site to and what they thought about it
Grading Rubric
- -50%: did not show anyone your MyInterest site
- -50%: did not tell what they thought about it
- Address all concerns identified on Kirk's Pet Peeves
Project 02 (My Interest)
- Create a multiple page website with a navigation/menu system (using an "include" of one header and one footer)
- Opportunity for creativity in content and design
- Opportunity to demonstrate learning
- Tell about a hobby or interest that you have (should be different than what you will use on your HireMe site)
- The site should have enough content to make someone want to visit the entire site
- Create MyInterest/index.htm
- Due by Friday 03-30-2018 at 5:00pm
- One re-grade request allowed from Friday 03-30-2018 at 5:00pm until Friday 04-06-2018 at 5:00pm
- Grade value: 10% of your final grade
Content should include
- Multiple pages in a new style that tell about an interest (the site should have enough content to make someone want to look at the site)
- You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
- At least 3 images that you created (photos that you took or designs that you made)
- Site should not contain images created by others (modifying someone else's image is not acceptable)
Grading Rubric
- Content: Multiple pages in a new style that tell about an interest (the site should have enough content to make someone want to look at the site)
- -50% not multiple pages, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
- -50% barely any content, I will allow up to a C for a re-grade request
- -30% not nearly enough content
- -30% no images (need 3)
- -20% only 2 images (need 3)
- -10% only 1 image (need 3)
- -10% not quite enough content
- -05% could use some minor content changes
- Design: You can begin from Kirk's template; you need to modify the css to make it uniquely yours
- -50% did not modify the css enough (or at all) to make it uniquely yours
- -20% designs and/or images that don't scale (i.e. not responsive)
- -20% navigation menu responsive design problem
- -05% minor responsive design changes needed
- -05% spacing between content and the edge of the page
- -05% color scheme
In class (Monday)
- Quiz 05 - More CSS Mechanics (5 minutes in class, will extend the time if 5 or more people are not done) - you will have until today at the end of class 5:45pm to complete it; the quiz is meant to be done in class
- Lab time to work on/finish WebPage07.htm - many people had issues with dimensions
- Review Kirk's Project 02 (MyInterest/index.htm)
- Lab time to work on/finish WebPage08.htm
- Lab time to work on/finish WebPage09.htm
- Lab time to work on Project 02 (My Interest)
- Individual help
In class (Wednesday)
- Review Project 02 (My Interest/index.htm) for student volunteers
- Individual help